Wednesday, July 11, 2018


Donald Trump is at this moment crashing his way through the NATO meeting, insulting and bullying America’s allies. His next stop will be Helsinki for a meeting with Russia’s Vladimir Putin. Everyone on the planet who believes in freedom, democracy, the rule of law, and justice should be very, very afraid of the outcome of this Helsinki meet-up. 

Donald Trump is Putin’s Poodle. Trump thinks very highly of Vlad, thinks he is a great guy and a great leader. Keep in mind that Donald loves and is jealous of every strongman dictator in the world, including Kim Jung Un, Dutarte, Erdogan and others. We need to be afraid that The Donald will give away the store in his meeting with Vlad.

Think about recent actions by Trump:
  • At the recent G7 meeting, he argued that Russia should be reinstated as a member, he bullied our allies, he attacked and mocked Canada’s Justin Trudeau;
  • He met with North Korea’s dictator Kim Jung Un, giving Kim great legitimacy, volunteered to end U.S - S. Korean military exercises (much to the surprise of the U.S. military and S. Korea), proclaimed Kim to be very smart and a great guy, and signed a meaningless statement about nuclear weapons that N. Korea appears to have alredy violated;
  • He has consistently, since his candidacy, berated and bullied our allies in NATO about money, shrugged off Russia’s military annexation of Crimea (“most people there speak Russian”), downplayed the Russian interference in U.S. elections, and mocked the investigation of collusion between his campaign and Russians;
  • He has consistently twitter-attacked and otherwise put down our European allies, while treating Russia with kid gloves;
  • He has started a trade war with China and Europe, leaving Russia as a potentially better trading partner for our allies.
Is there any reason not to be very, very afraid of what the U.S. Madman-in-Chief will do at the hands of a trained spy and accomplished strongman, Vladimir Putin? What will Trump give away? What does Putin have on Trump, anyway? How will Putin manipulate the “world’s greatest deal maker” to Russia’s advantage? By his own actions, Trump has demonstrated that he likes Putin and Russia more than he likes the European leaders and their countries. 

I might hide under the bed until this is over.


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