Sunday, December 16, 2018


Poor The Donald. Now every one of his business ventures is being investigated. Even his children who are involved in these businesses are implicated. Will the law finally catch up with this family of grifters?

Donald made the biggest mistake of his life when he decided to run for president. His goal was not to be president, but to burnish his brand and make it a globally-recognized name that would promote even more shady deals. He knew that he had no chance of winning the election, so this was a sure bet.

Unfortunately for The Donald - and for the rest of the world - he accomplished the impossible, he won the election. His elevation to POTUS put everything about him under the microscope of the law, and he is now in very deep doodoo.

Had The Donald not run for president, the intensity of investigations about him and his businesses and charities would likely not be so great. Big mistake, Don; too bad for you.

The walls are tumbling down around the Trump family, and hopefully these grifters will be exposed for what they are, and penalized heavily for their crimes and cons. I only hope the world recovers quickly once they are gone.

All together now: Lock them up! Lock them up!


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