Monday, August 24, 2020


The Republican National Convention is upon us. What new and exciting things will the GOP propose for the next four years under Trump? Nothing. Nada. Zip. The platform of the Republican Party for the 2020 election is exactly the same one they had in 2016. They have made one change, the addition of one word - again. "Make America Great Again Again" is the new old slogan. 

Basically, the repugnicans love Donald Trump so very much, they just want to recycle him again again. As for a platform, well, here is what it says about a platform on the Repugnican National Committee convention website: 

RESOLVED, That the Republican Party has and will continue to enthusiastically support the President’s America-first agenda;

RESOLVED, That the 2020 Republican National Convention will adjourn without adopting a new platform until the 2024 Republican National Convention;

RESOLVED, That the 2020 Republican National Convention calls on the media to engage in accurate and unbiased reporting, especially as it relates to the strong support of the RNC for President Trump and his Administration; and

RESOLVED, That any motion to amend the 2016 Platform or to adopt a new platform, including any motion to suspend the procedures that will allow doing so, will be ruled out of order.

And there you have it: anything The Donald says is what we'll do (MAGAA); in other words: nothing new until 2024; the fake news needs to stop telling lies about Trump's lies; and anyone who tries to do something different will be taken out back and shot (well, maybe it didn't exactly say that). 

I just heard an interview on NPR with a Democrat and a Republican strategist. The R person was so enthusiastic about Trump, and was all over Make America Great Again Again. Oh yes, she enthused, we're going to continue Trump's agenda, such as draining the swamp. WHAT??? Didn't Trump already drain the swamp? Yes, he did. And he created a new swamp, better described as a shithole (his language, not mine) filled with the most vile creatures ever to have walked the planet. 

Make America Great Again Again - these idiots are delusional, again again! 


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