Sunday, May 16, 2021


I don’t want to make light of the fact that people are being injured and killed in Gaza and Israel as I write this. I am following this current battle in the prolonged war between these sides, and it is deja vu all over again, with one important difference that I will discuss in a moment. As I thought about writing a piece on this raging war, I went back in time within this blog and re-read things I have previously written, each time a new battle erupted. I realized that I don’t need to write much, but simply give my readers this link to a post from a previous outbreak of violence between these sides, in 2014, because they are following the exact same script, once again, as always.

The important difference I mentioned above is the civic unrest in Israeli cities with mixed Jewish and Israeli Arab populations. This kind of mob violence is unprecedented in Israel, and has most officials in Israel, as well as observers, truly worried. How this will play out is unknown.

For me, the bottom line in this situation is that the leadership of Israel and Gaza (Hamas) are lunatics who would rather continue a prolonged war in which thousands are injured and killed in order to satisfy their political ambitions and objectives. We can argue until the cows come home about who is to blame, but the reality is that the major players in this 73-year war (since the founding of Israel in 1948) could have and should have found a way to live together or side-by-side in peace and prosperity many decades ago. Instead, these lunatics have chosen hate, intransigence, finger pointing, cold war and hot war, and the populations they “lead” continue to suffer the consequences. 


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