Sunday, February 02, 2020


OK, I'm getting right to the point; I've heard and read many commentaries about the lack of diversity among the Democratic candidates for president on stage at the last so-called debate. "They're all white!"

The 6 candidates on the stage were: Amy Klobuchar (woman), Elizabeth Warren (woman), Bernie Sanders (Jew; democratic socialist), Joe Biden (white man), Pete Buttigieg (gay white man), and Tom Steyer (white man (his father was Jewish)). So that's 2 women, one Jew, one gay man, and 2 white men. I call that diversity!

And if there had been 7 candidates on stage, the 7th would have been Andrew Yang (Asian-American).

Yes, the African-American and Latinx-American candidates have dropped out of the race, but they dropped out of the race. Did they drop out because the Democratic Party system is racist? This could be a factor; however, we can't forget that Barak Obama won the nomination in 2008.

As an old, pale-skinned, Jewish, atheist man (that's 5 strikes against me), maybe I'm a bit sensitive concerning identity politics. On the other hand, maybe - as usual - we on the left can't seem to get our collective poop together in one tent.


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